Those are not stores, its famous shopping carts all has multi currency feature. only moosocial does not have.
This is important if you are advertising your product to other countries. You can create a free store in you can see option to enable multi currency, then automatically it will convert currency based on IP address.
have 2 options, admin set manually or automatic based on yahoo rates
moosocial they already have manual currency option, just add code seller to enable/disable show multi currency.
The problem is conversion rate. I don't think manually update will work. Get from yahoo will be a problem if the service stop working or not stable. Will think about this to see if we can add.
You are right, conversion rate is important, but like my eCommerce with easy Store. i have to manually fill in the conversion rate. but the system also has suggested exchange rate. But i guess if you can follow or western union exchange rate.
voteMulti Currency for store plugin