A Reply to this, someone, from the support group In some plugin folders in the language folder there are some files, for example moo3.0.2-Business-1.7\app\Plugin\Business\Locale\eng\LC_MESSAG...
When i REPLY toMY POST i am getting email notification, kraken has replied to your post. why is that
There will be some new version, and if so when
Google Sign-In Branding Dear Developer, The on your app’s homepage URL is not compli...
Word limitation is currently in Words: 29 I would like more Words, how can I do that
On my Theme on landing page, i have 3 round images.Question: How do i change the images ?I have looked in the sites Server and found the file locations for the images but i am not able to change th...
I'm considering buying a few of the addons, but holding off until I make sure the addons will be compatible with 2.5.0 upgrade. So my question is addressed to the mooSocial staff: When upgrading...
I followed the How to create API keys for Vimeo . I was fine until I went to the plugins mgr.. You state go to Video Upload there isn't one do we have to create this?
I purchased a small pluggin as a trial the Scroll to the top.. In the instructions it says to open zip files the file I received was already open how do i upload this to the site . I am not feeliln...
When we purchase a new pluggin are there instuctions on how to install?