Can’t find the moo social community app in App Store

Quick this moosocial community website app no longer available for download in the apple App Store? This is all that comes up when you search it. 

Frank Acosta Basic on 07/21/19 at 12:24 in IOS app
2 Answer(s)
It's pending for reviewing from apple. Hope they approve it soon.
Mark Gold badges on 07/22/19 at 05:29
Apple is annoying. Mark, y’all really should consider making it PWA. You won’t need ANYONES approval for it to be an app.
Matthew Shempert Basic on 07/22/19 at 14:20

Mark Gold badges

Yes, Apple is annoying, they approve or not depends on the person who is reviewing your app.
on 07/29/19 at 03:48
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