How to Configure the Plugin Role Badges and the Award Manager

How to Configure the Plugin Role Badges and the Award Manager
Posted by VinnyS in How to on 02/09/18 at 10:02  ·  Public
Comments (15)
On the User Badges I have added some User Badges for you to download User Badges Black
and User Badges with Arial Font Regular
and Users Badges - Font Arial Bold

Try these Users Badges out let me know what you think....
Thanks for videos and tips @Vinny S
Thank you, Vinny!! I would never have figured it out if I do not see your video.
Great. But how do you track users how many post they got? There is no such information on User's Manager about that. So how can I give them award for 500 posts for example?
good point Buğra Bodur, and maybe when user posts 500 in a month he should automatically get awarded, and to keep his award he should keep posting, or else he will get automatically downgraded
Yes but I'm still curious, according to Vinny's video he has award badges due to user's posts. So how he tracks what user posted 500 or 1000 etc?
can't track that info now. This is manually process
haha it's impossible for me use badge awards based on user posts then I can't count posts one by one lol. Any other idea that I can use award plugin on based on what else?
It's possible but we need a rule to implement. Currently, it's designed for manually award
For sure me of us who have larger sites, manual award will take a very long time. Can we automate this plugin??
Each site will have it own concept so that we can't define a general rules/badges that can apply for all. That why we can't implement auto for this plugin.
@ thanks for the info. I like that idea but wanted something a bit simpler. Just want the award plugin to be automated so I don’t have to approve all points
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