We translate our sytem but some headers do not accept translation. Recently joined, Who's online, What's new, Popolar videos,... All of them are headers. What is the way to translate them?...
Hi all, is there anyone who tested the backup plugin? Do ı need to buy that plugin or is there an alternative method for it?
Hi all, I want to use email digestion for my site. There is bulk mail for it but it is no automation. Is there anu other tool for it?
Specifically to plugins like the business and property plugins.
I have source code, but there is no documentation for ios app publishig? Do u have any for ios?
Is there any option that we can use for password complexity? Such as :3 types of symbols must be used in the password: numbers (0–9), uppercase letters, lowercase letters and special charac...
is it possible to prevent indexing from search engines on moosocial?
cannot build ios app because of swift compiler errors, any idea?
I use credit plugin, for desktop version I remove some sub menus ( credit transfer,..) it is ok for desktor , but in android app it is still there. How can I sync the layouts?
is there any table that mooapp store the ips of the connected clients?