password complexity

Is there any option that we can use for password complexity?
Such as :3 types of symbols must be used in the password:
numbers (0–9), uppercase letters, lowercase letters and special characters ($, #, %, etc.).
Bonuskg Basic on 02/24/20 at 06:22 in mooSocial features
1 Answer(s)
Best answer
This will be a new improvement in next version. If you want to have it now, please send custom request to, we will help you add. 
Mark Gold badges on 02/24/20 at 21:45
Mark, any plan for two-factor authentication?
on 02/24/20 at 22:21

Mark Gold badges

Yes, it's inside the list of features that we will implement
on 03/03/20 at 01:42
So when is the password complexity & 2-factor authentication coming to Moosocial?
on 11/11/20 at 03:33
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