upload video limit

Hey There,
for "what's new?" Feature How can we allowed user to upload more than 10Mb?
I change that from 

System Admin >> System Settings >> Max upload size (Mb) 

But it still not upload any video which size more than 10Mb. So if I adjusted to  Max upload size (20 Mb) and I tray to upload 14Mb IT WONT work? frown

Any advice?
zam Basic on 01/20/17 at 02:39 in mooSocial plugins
2 Answer(s)
Best answer
You probably have the limit set in PHP.
You will need to change those settings in the PHP.ini if you have access on your own server, or using .htaccess in the root of your moosocial directory.
Brent Lucas Basic on 01/23/17 at 16:25
Nope, can't do that in .htaccess... Causes Error 500.... Also, php.ini is still set for the sizes 600M and the mem is set for 1024M, so if it was the php.ini settings, it would work... But, it doesn't work...
News Bug Basic on 02/21/17 at 00:16 Edited
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