Go to app/webroot/css/button.css
Find ".btn-action" and ".btn-action:hover" => then change "background-color" property to any color code you want.
You can go to http://html-color-codes.info/ to find color you love and get color code.
blue color code on this site : #2a6496#428bca#247BBA, I see them using 3 blue color code, you can try and choose the one you like.
To change thumb up color, please find this ".comment-thumb.active, .comment-thumb:hover, #lb_description a.active i" in "app/webroot/css/main.css" (default theme) , change this code #FB7923 to new color code you like.
Find ".btn-action" and ".btn-action:hover" => then change "background-color" property to any color code you want.
You can go to http://html-color-codes.info/ to find color you love and get color code.
To change thumb up color, please find this ".comment-thumb.active, .comment-thumb:hover, #lb_description a.active i" in "app/webroot/css/main.css" (default theme) , change this code #FB7923 to new color code you like.
Do you know how can i change the color of the Login button?