Another one of my customers noticed another possible problem..
In the events section, you have the abillity to post images...
These images are posted in the NEWSFEED album of the user..
Now lets say.. you have mutiple events and people are posting images to the events..
in the news for given event only the relative image thumbnails are displayed...
When you click on the images to veiw them..
ALL images in the NEWSFEED Album are viewable regardless of where they are...
As you can see in this attachment, there are 3 images viewable.. Only 2 were attached to the event..
Shouldn't each event have it's own album for images posted to the event to keep things seperated.??
Wonder if i post images to a private event if they can be seen in photo view from other events as well..
I'll test that and update this topic..
In my customers site..
I created a public event.. as the admin.
I created a private event.. as the admin..
As the admin, I attached a image in the private event.
as the admin, I attached a image to the public event.
As a registered member(not the admin) and NOT invited to the private event.
(I could not see the private event listed)
I clicked on the image attached in the public event and was able to view all images posted to any event by the admin, even the ima... more