Switching to PHP 7 - Updating

I have set up a brand new dedicated server with PHP7. I will migrate my existing mooSocial site to the new server with PHP7 when full compatibility of core and add-ons with PHP7 is complete, what should be done first?
A) Migrate site to server with PHP7 first, then install updates?
B) Install updates while on current server (PHP 5.x.x), then migrate site to server with PHP7?
Or does it matter?
Mike Reynolds Basic on 05/09/17 at 22:47 in mooSocial plugins
2 Answer(s)
Should to B because if you do A first site may be crashed and so that you can't upgrade plugin. 
Mark Gold badges on 05/11/17 at 00:08
Thank you sir.
Mike Reynolds Basic on 05/11/17 at 18:15
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