Moved moosocial to new Server...Issue

after moving to vps its only showing white site...

anyone who can help me?
Patrick Sánchez Beyrer Basic on 09/20/18 at 11:44 in Server - hosting
6 Answer(s)
Check it, app/tmp/cache
GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 09/20/18 at 12:17
what to check there?
Patrick Sánchez Beyrer Basic on 09/20/18 at 12:23
If there are envelopes inside
GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 09/20/18 at 12:28
if you mean folders...yes a lot of
Patrick Sánchez Beyrer Basic on 09/20/18 at 12:29
You see some folders inside
GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 09/20/18 at 12:31
Yes and datafiles
Patrick Sánchez Beyrer Basic on 09/20/18 at 12:42
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