MooSocial Non Functional on 1&1 Servers?

I installed the files on 1&1, finished setting it all up, feeling so good that I finally would be able to launch the app i promised would be ready last month.
To my great disappointment, 1/2 of my admin controls are not accessible, with "check boxes" and other options to change the settings not being operational. 
I tried ALL currently released versions, same result.
I had decided to ask the representative if I could pay to have them professionally set it up in case I did something wrong, which I'm confident may have ended up being the case. I was told yes, and they could do it within 12 hours. So I paid, then later that night get an email saying it wont be started till Monday.
I have no way to actually speak to the techs, so I don't know how it it's going or if it is started. If they are working with a skeleton crew, or if it's many techs that can solve the issue fast. 
Can anyone give me any advice on this? Especially if you have used 1&1 for your servers????
Matthew Shempert Basic on 01/21/19 at 01:38 in Server - hosting
3 Answer(s)
I saw that support team asked you site url and admin account to check. Please provide so that they can start the job
Mark Gold badges on 01/21/19 at 02:45
I did as soon as they asked me, maybe a minute later. I'm asking the community if they have had trouble with 1&1 Hosting in case I need to find a different hosting service.....
on 01/21/19 at 03:12
I use 1&1, when I was on their normal hosting managed server and managed dedicated, I had to change the .htaccess files for everything to work and chmod the directories the installation asked for.  I'm on an unmanaged dedicated server (root) with them now and works ok.
Craig L Basic on 01/21/19 at 05:27
Thank you for your reply.

Ok, So the .htaccess files had to be changed just to not get a server error when I first tried to install moosocial. 1&1 tech team helped me with that. Here is what they said they did there:

"Providing you the data to enable MOD Script as provided below. This script needs to be saved inside the .htaccess file. The script was enabled in 3 .htaccess files in these following path: root, app and app/webroot."

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBas...  more
on 01/21/19 at 13:32

Craig L Basic

root .htaccess - remove the rewritecond and rewrite rule if you don't use https

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
# Uncomment if you have a .well-known directory in the root folder, e.g. for the Let's Encrypt challenge
#RewriteRule ^(\.well-known/.*)$ $1 [L]

RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

RewriteRule ^$ app/webroot/ [L]
RewriteRule (.*) app/webr...  more
on 01/24/19 at 09:35
I sent this in the message 30 minutes ago, but it appears you have not been able to see it. I can't stay awake to wait on your response. I'm in Central Standard Time, Texas. It's almost 1am.
I've received several emails from Kent, after I first posted my comment in questions area. I was told by the Rep if I bought the Install Service that it would only take a few hours, then got the email that it would be Monday...It was Friday then. Now it's Tuesday night, and never got a response back from Kent after I explained that I need it installed, since 1&1 has a complicated server that requires code rewrites. 1&1 has gotten frustrated with me, telling me I need to get with the company that sells and writes the code, and have them install it. I'm requesting a refund of the Installation Service, I'll install it myself. I'm not sure if your companies resources are very limited, and if that is the case, I completely understand. The website I am trying to create will have very few "staff" to help customers, but it's intentions are to help others. Your coding is very good, so I don't want that refunded, but I would ask that the Install Service is refunded since no one wanted to install it, only tell me that it looks to be working on their end, even though I sent them pictures of it NOT working on any browser or user I used. I am Central Standard time, so staying awake all night waiting for responses to e-mails isn't possible for me.
I'm also changing servers to one that works with MooSocial, I'll make sure of it before I sign up. Thank you for your help, and I hope the money I paid for the Install Service that didn't happen is refunded.
Matthew Shempert Basic on 01/22/19 at 01:13
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