Who's Online Question/Help please.

Is there an easy way to set The Who's online block to only display friends of the user instead of the entire site?
I'm anticipating quite a few members and trying to slim some things down, thank you. 
Dusty Pack Basic on 06/08/19 at 23:01 in mooSocial features
1 Answer(s)
No it does not exist, I have suggested it a long time ago, but rather, it is not feasible to do it
GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 06/09/19 at 01:14
It is feasible to do it, I’ll look deeper into the code and how the databases are setup. If I can come up with a solution I will share it with you.

I’m just hesitant about modifying the base code and having to rework things when there is an upgrade available.
on 06/09/19 at 15:25
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