How to remove bithday in profile?

Hi can anyone tell me how to remove the users birthday from the profile page? Thank you
PH Basic on 03/15/21 at 12:22 in mooSocial templates
3 Answer(s)
1. Find the file in the directory \app\View\Elements\user\header_profile.ctp
2. Open the file: header_profile.ctp
3. Delete or comment out: <li><span class="date"><?php echo __('Born on')?>:</span> <?php echo $this->Time->format($user['User']['birthday'], '%B %d', false, 'UTC')?></li>
4. Clear cache
Good luck!
G1ala Basic on 03/15/21 at 14:53 Edited

PH Basic

Thank you. Unfortunately it still shows even though i have cleared cache several times. I even deleted "list3 profile_info" completely.
on 03/16/21 at 11:37
Thank you. Unfortunately it still shows even though i have cleared cache several times. I even deleted "list3 profile_info" completely.
PH Basic on 03/16/21 at 11:35
Can you show me the screenshot of the source code where did you remove the code?
Mark Gold badges on 03/21/21 at 23:48
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